Your Success is

our Core Mission

About Us

We are Leading Arabic Online Learning since 2016

Iqraa-online school is a worldwide virtual school, which offers a very effective Arabic and Islamic learning program. What makes our curriculum distinguished is our innovative and effective approach. This approach is based on many researches on the most successful methodologies of teaching a new language.
The founders of Iqraa-online school are a group of dedicated educators and thinkers who are very conscious of the importance of preserving the Arabic language and Islamic identity for all Muslim children around the world and particularly for those living in the west. Our sincere intention is to please Allah (SWT) by assisting our kids living in the west to learn the language of the holy Quran; to read the Quran and understand its meaning.
At Iqraa-online school, we use the adapted curriculum offered online in a virtual classes where they can learn Arabic and Islamic studies from basic to somewhat advanced levels at the comfort of their home.
Your Success is our Core Mission
Actually, we’ve taken advantage of all the opportunities that the Internet age has displayed for us to launch our online Arabic courses and make Arabic learning accessible to every one regardless where he or she lives.
Iqraa-online school uses web conferencing technologies. All classes are 100% virtual and interactive. Classrooms are running live and at specific schedule during the weekend, therefore, attendance is mandatory and crucial to the success of the student.
Our program is offered to the Muslim community but, certainly, anyone of other faith who wants to join us is welcome.
At Iqraa-online, your child’s success is our success. As chestnut as that may sound, Allah witnesses, we genuinely desire to empower each and every one of our children with Iman, self-esteem, skills and knowledge needed to follow Allah’s SWT commands and Sunnah of His prophet Mohammed peace be upon him.

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Iqraa-online school offers Arabic and Islamic studies online sessions. Groups are taught separately by level of understanding. For special cases and one-to-one tutoring, adapted curiculum are made for particular educational requirements.


The success of an online learning is based, besides an effective program, on the self-discipline and sense of responsibility of the student. You are also kindly requested to develop a personalized schedule that they will be able to follow and stay motivated and responsible to avoid any kind of procrastination.
Choosing a place where you will not have any distractions, stay focused during the course would be also very important to a successful learning.

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